
Friday, March 15, 2013

Hide And Seek Rules/New Server!!!

Hide and Seek Rules/New Server-coming soon!


For all new players, I will repeat the rules of Hide and Seek: Referee is a bot, don't talk to him, he won't answer. He's basically there just to tell you when the hider is ready. I have noticed penguins waddling up to him and asking, "Can I hide next, Ref?" The answer will probably be "No, wait your turn." (Not that the bot is going to answer you anyways.) Here's how you play: When you log on there will be rules there, but if you don't understand them, I'll retell them for you. So you've logged on and the box in the upper right corner is, what I call, a Riddle Box :-). When the bot announces that it is your turn to hide, you can say !RIDDLE and type your hint afterwards. Example: !RIDDLE I see a fish, a puffle, and a red light. (That was an example, so don't complain that there isn't a room with a fish, a puffle, and a right light. :-) Lol) If you want to find somebody, read their hints in the "Riddle Box" and figure out what room they may be talking about. Think outside of the Riddle Box. ;-) (Warning: You may have to use some !jr (ID) codes.) When you see the player's name, or body, or you don't see them at all and you know that they're there, click on the area where they are standing with a snowball. (You won't throw a snowball, it will just tag them so Ref knows you found them!)

Commands for Hide and Seek:
!RIDDLE (Type your message here when you are hiding and it will appear in the Riddle Box)
!PASS (Put a penguin's name here. The penguin must be online and you have to spell their name right!)
!JR (Room ID here. I will make a list of the room IDs soon.)

New Server Coming Soon! Thanks Chai & Tybone! :-)

A new server is coming out soon! It'll be like the Hunger Games. If you don't know what the Hunger Games is, I'll tell you: Katniss (the girl who is the main character) lives in District 12 in the nation of Panem. Every year they have the reaping, where they pick names out of glass bowls to see who will face each other in the Hunger Games, and Katniss has volunteered for tribute, so her little sister, Prim, wouldn't have to go to the Hunger Games, where people fight to the death.  She gets sent to the Hunger Games against Peeta, one of her District's people.

I read the blog, and Chai or Tybone10, whoever posted it, described it as being sort of like it, but not exactly. On the server, each player will log on and be on a team. (You cannot choose your team.) And each team member will log on in a certain room only for their team, you will have about a minute to discuss with your teammates what to do. Then something will give you the signal to go to the town and collect weapons. (Probably going to be a Referee telling you to go, and the weapons are snowballs.) You will then have to either go with a teammate or go alone and hide yourself! The team who has the most people standing will win that round when the Referee says time is up. You will probably have to kill people by throwing snowballs. (What happens when you die is unknown.)  

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped you! :-)


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