Long time no see, and Oasis is back up! Woo-hoo! They decided to open up early, just for you penguins. Now, because of that, they don't have all the new features we expected. They don't even have the Hunger Games Server out yet. And the Hide and Seek server has some bugs. Don't fright- just report the bugs and they'll have it worked out soon.
1. Play Find Four and after winning/losing you can't move where ever you go. You can talk, but you can't hit enter. You have to hit the chat bubble. (Send)2. Play Hide and Seek -- Oh goodie! I'm the hider. Well, nobody can tag you... You're stuck... Everyone leaves... "Hello? You found me but you didn't tag me..."
3. Still no Hunger Games Server
That's it.
The new features are listed here:
Click this icon in the sky to the left of your screen:
Click on one of these faces, and when people click your player card, they will see this on your beak! |
This is all your outfits. Click your player card and notice there is a new icon, it looks like a Floppy Disk. Click it and enter the name of the outfit you're wearing. (Make up the name.) And then when you clone somebody, and you want your old outfit back, click on the icon in the sky, and click on the outfit under the list "My Saved Outfits" and click View to see it, then click Wear to have it on your penguin, and when you don't like it, click Delete. You can also save OTHER penguin's outfits by doing the same thing... |
This will change your status color. Make sure to click Save! Then when you click on yourself, or others click your player card, your status will be glowing the color you picked! (Sort of like NameGlow.) Well, shake those tail feathers! |